
January 28, 2020

Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield Gives $817,000 to Upgrade Digital Health Network in State’s Rural Hospitals

Ben Boulden

CEOs of Arkansas hospitals that are part of the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership, UAMS and Blue Cross and Blue Shield officials gather for a group photo after a news conference in Pine Bluff.

Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield has awarded $817,000 to the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership to help South Arkansas hospitals and clinics improve how they exchange patient information and ensure better continuity of care during patient transfers.

UAMS First in Central Arkansas to Use Nitrous Oxide for Laboring Moms

Katrina Dupins

Vivanna Imbert wraps newborn Diego.

Nurses, obstetricians and midwives in UAMS Labor and Delivery are excited about a new option to relieve pain for laboring mothers. In January, UAMS Medical Center became the first hospital in central Arkansas to offer nitrous oxide during labor. Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas,  is sometimes used during dental procedures. This option is…

January 27, 2020

Bone Research Showcased as Vibrant, Vital at UAMS


Crowd shot of poster session from above

Bone health is an expanding area of research with far-reaching clinical applications — from regenerating limbs to stopping bone cancer in its tracks — and UAMS is well-situated as a leader in the field. That was the resounding theme of the Showcase of Medical Discoveries: A Focus on Bone Research, held Jan. 22 at UAMS….

January 24, 2020

Paul H. Phillips, M.D., Named Chair of Ophthalmology and Director of Jones Eye Institute at UAMS

Spencer Watson

Paul Phillips

Paul H. Phillips, M.D., has been appointed chair of the Department of Ophthalmology in the College of Medicine and director of the Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). “Dr. Phillips brings exceptional strengths to his new post as a highly respected leader in pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus,…

UAMS Professor’s New Book Sheds Light on Neuroscience and the Law

Ben Boulden

Edgar Garcia-Rill holds a copy of the recently published "Fundamentals of Neuroscience and the Law," which he co-authored with the late Erica Beecher-Monas.

If science isn’t about the search for absolute truth but instead the search for the best possible answer, then a UAMS professor hopes he and his late co-author have found the best answers so far to questions about neuroscience and the law. Cambridge Scholars Publishing recently released a new textbook on the subject “Fundamentals of…

January 22, 2020

AmyLeigh Overton-McCoy, Ph.D., APRN, Invested in Murphy Endowed Chair for Rural Aging Leadership and Policy

Benjamin Waldrum

Overton-McCoy was presented with a commemorative medallion by UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA and Christopher T. Westfall, M.D., executive vice chancellor and College of Medicine dean.

AmyLeigh Overton-McCoy, Ph.D., APRN, a leading geriatric nursing specialist with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), was invested Jan. 16 in the Murphy Endowed Chair for Rural Aging Leadership and Policy. “This is an extreme honor and privilege, and I will really treasure this opportunity to make a difference in so many lives,”…

Priya Mendiratta, M.D., M.P.H., Invested in Alexa L. & William T. Dillard Distinguished Chair in Geriatrics

Benjamin Waldrum

Mendiratta was presented with a commemorative medallion by UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, and Christopher T. Westfall, M.D., executive vice chancellor and College of Medicine dean.

Priya Mendiratta, M.D., M.P.H., geriatrician and director for the geriatric clerkship and course for medical students at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), was invested Jan. 16 in the Alexa L. & William T. Dillard Distinguished Chair in Geriatrics. “Thank you so much for bestowing this great honor upon me and the Department…

UAMS-Led Research Spurs Artistic Revelation

News Staff

Art of mouse blood clot

It looks like something conjured by the imagination, or perhaps an other-worldly landscape. But an award-winning artistic image actually has roots in the laboratory and creative minds of researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Brian Storrie, Ph.D., a professor in the UAMS College of Medicine Department of Physiology and Biophysics, and…

January 21, 2020

New UAMS HealthNow Offers 24/7 Digital Health, Live Video Access to Convenient Care

Ben Boulden

Curtis Lowery, M.D., left, answers questions during a television interview about the new UAMS HealthNow, 24-hour, online convenience health care service.

Starting today through UAMS HealthNow, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) has begun providing 24-hour, digital health access to convenient, real-time care for Arkansas patients using the internet through mobile devices or computers. Arkansas patients at any time can connect via live video and see UAMS expert health care providers who offer a…

January 17, 2020

UAMS Celebration of MLK Encourages Attendees to Serve

Spencer Watson

Guest speaker Crystal C. Mercer speaks about public service during the UAMS Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration.

Service was the centerpiece as employees and students gathered to celebrate the life and legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on Jan. 15, enjoying addresses from campus leaders and a guest speaker and then breaking for lunch and to sign up for volunteer opportunities. “Today I want to talk about how Dr. King…

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