March 2, 2023

Two PT Alums Achieve Rare Perfect Scores on National Exam

Ben Boulden

Shortly after graduating in 2022, Antonio Martinez, left, and Rush Hemphill achieved perfect scores on the national physical therapy examination.

Rush Hemphill and Antonio Martinez had to pass the National Physical Therapy Examination to start their careers, and in the summer of 2022, they aced it, earning perfect 800 scores. Both graduated in May with Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degrees after three years of study in the UAMS College of Health Professions Department of…

February 27, 2023

Chambers Wins Irby Award for Early Career Faculty

Ben Boulden

Shaneika Chambers

Sometimes doing your job well and with passion makes a big difference. For Shaneika Chambers, MHA, MLS, it is also what earned her the Edith Irby Jones Award for Early Career Faculty. Chambers first worked in the UAMS clinical lab for three years. She has been an instructor since July 2021 in the Department of…

Three Programs Get New Leadership

Ben Boulden

Left to right, Natalie Benafield, Summer Khairi and Shayla Stinnett.

This fall, the College of Health Professions saw new leaders take the helms of three of its degree programs: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Sciences, Cytotechnology and Audiology. Summer Khairi, MBA, CNMT, succeeded Arthur Maune, M.Ed., CNMT, as program director of the Nuclear Medicine Imaging Sciences program, following his retirement after 20 years at UAMS. In addition…

Respiratory Care Department Earns Apex Award

Ben Boulden

Apex 2023-2024 recipient

The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) recently recognized the College of Health Professions Department of Respiratory Care program with its Apex Award for 2023-2024. With its Apex Awards, the association seeks to honor institutions for their commitment to excellence in professional development, evidence-based care, patient safety, patient satisfaction and quality improvement. “We are one…

February 23, 2023

Lambda Nu Chapter Inducts 35 New Members

Ben Boulden

Lambda Nu logo

The UAMS Chapter of Lambda Nu inducted 35 students into its membership during a virtual ceremony on Feb. 10. Lambda Nu is a national honor society for the radiologic and imaging sciences. Students and faculty who participated in the ceremony are in programs in the College of Health Professions Department of Radiation & Imaging Sciences…

January 27, 2023

UAMS Dental Hygiene Program Offers Free Sealant Clinic for Children on Feb. 18

Ben Boulden

Dental hygiene students do the preparatory work for applying a dental sealant to some of the teeth of one of the 56 children who came to March sealant clinic with their families.

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Department of Dental Hygiene is offering a free Sealant Clinic from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 18 at Freeway Medical Tower, 5800 W. 10th St., Suite 501.

January 9, 2023

January MVP — Toby Belknap

Ben Boulden

Toby Belknap, M.D.

Meet Toby Belknap, M.D., the MVP for January. Toby serves as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute. In the course of his work, he puts into practice the UAMS values of integrity, respect, diversity and health equity, teamwork, creativity, excellence and safety.

December 23, 2022

UAMS Trauma Team Helps Save Sherwood Man after 30-Foot Fall

Ben Boulden

Josh Pretty, seated, gives a thumbs up just before he leaves UAMS Medical Center for what would turn out to be a shorter-than-expected stay in a local rehabilitation hospital. His wife, Alissa Pretty, third from the right, also does the same.

Even though Josh Pretty can’t remember what happened to him, his family and friends will never forget his fall Nov. 12 from the top of a 30-foot ladder while hanging Christmas lights from a customer’s house. They didn’t anticipate the accident or the sight of the severe injuries he received from it.

December 22, 2022

UAMS Garners Multiple Honors in 2022 while Fulfilling Missions

Ben Boulden

The year of 2022 was one of transition from COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and the Omicron surge in case numbers to, by the fall, in-person classes for students, public events and an easing of safety protocols.

Two years of battling the pandemic and its effects resulted in a 2022 that was the closest yet to a pre-COVID normal at UAMS. The university never faltered in its devotion to its missions. UAMS seized the opportunity the year brought to renew its focus on them in a way that earned it praise and…

December 14, 2022

December MVP — Eva Gerbitz

Ben Boulden

Eva Gerbitz

Meet Eva Gerbitz, MNSc, RN-BC, the MVP for December. Eva serves UAMS as a nurse informaticist in UAMS Clinical Informatics. In the course of her work, she puts into practice the values of UAMS. Please read what one of her nominators wrote about how she does that.

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