Inside News

October 6, 2021

UAMS Receives Roger Carter Award of Excellence From National Rehabilitation Association

Yavonda Chase

UAMS was recognized with the Roger Carter Award of Excellence for a Large Employer from the National Rehabilitation Association because of the success of its Project SEARCH program.

LITTLE ROCK — The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) received the Roger Carter Award of Excellence for a Large Employer from the National Rehabilitation Association during a virtual ceremony today. UAMS was recognized because of the success of its Project SEARCH program, a job-training program that helps young adults with disabilities develop independent living and working skills.

September 30, 2021

2021 Employee Service Awards — The Honorees

Ben Boulden

Thank You

Each year, UAMS recognizes employees with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years of service. This year, UAMS honors 1,328 employees. Because of COVID-19, the 2021 celebration Oct. 5 on Zoom will be for those members of Team UAMS with 20 plus years of service.

September 28, 2021

Chancellor’s Town Hall Focus on COVID-19 Booster Vaccinations

Ben Boulden

Chancellor Cam Patterson, second from left, speaks Sept. 23 at the Town Hall. Michael Manley, left, moderated a discussion with a panel of experts that included, left to right, Stephen Mette, Michelle Krause, Suzanne Cobleigh and Robert Hopkins.

Discussion and questions about third COVID-19 vaccine booster shots dominated the Chancellor’s Town Hall on Sept. 23 at UAMS even as decisions about them were being made at the national level.

September 22, 2021

UAMS Team Named National Emergency Medicine Interest Group of the Year

Linda Satter

Paige Dailey, M.D., and Morgan Sweere

The Emergency Medicine Interest Group at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) recently received top honors nationally from the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association  (EMRA). The UAMS group was named the EMIG of the Year. EMRA is the largest and oldest independent resident organization in the world and has a membership of more than…

SEED Grows Understanding, Empathy at UAMS

Ben Boulden

Seen here in early 2019, Mildred Randolph, DVM, seated, is director of SEED at UAMS and Marlo Thomas, standing, is the program's coordinator.

In a time of division in American society, the SEED program at UAMS cultivates understanding and empathy among the university community’s students, faculty and staff to erase those dividing lines.

September 20, 2021

UAMS Opens Rejuvenation Room for Clinical Workers

Linda Satter

Sherri Youngblood, R.N., takes a break from the ICU.

You walk through a nondescript wooden door halfway down the fourth-floor hallway outside the Intensive Care Unit. Suddenly, you’re free from the glare of overhead lights and the cacophony of phones, loudspeakers and beeping machines. You are removed, albeit temporarily, from the all-encompassing, heartbreaking reality of patients you’ve come to know who are fighting to…

September 16, 2021

Brain Imaging Research Center Installs New MRI Scanner

Tim Taylor

Using a crane, workers Sept. 13 install a new MRI scanner in the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute.

To maintain its cutting-edge research efforts, the Brain Imaging Research Center replaced its current Philips 3T Achieva magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner Monday, Sept. 13 with a new Siemens 3T Prisma MRI scanner, capable of imaging brain function and structure with improved spatial and temporal resolution.

September 14, 2021

Gittens Highlights National Recognition, Geographic Expansion in Annual State of Diversity and Inclusion Address

Karmen Robinson

Vice Chancellor Brian Gittens, Ed.D., MPA, (center) pictured with UAMS Serves and Dr. Edith Irby Jones Diversity and Inclusion award recipients.

Vice Chancellor Brian Gittens, Ed.D., MPA, pictured above with Vice Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Officer Danielle Lombard-Sims, Ph.D., recognized unlimited opportunities and potential to advance diversity, equity and inclusion when he arrived at UAMS in June 2019.

September 13, 2021

Army Medical Team at UAMS to Help Care for COVID-19 Patients

Ben Boulden

Members of an Army medical team get fit-tested for personal protective equipment. The Army arrived on campus Sept. 10 to help provide COVID-19 patient care in the UAMS Medical Center.

Each speaker who spoke Sept. 9 to the Army personnel in the Lobby Gallery at UAMS chose different words to deliver the same message: We need you, and we are so very glad you’re here. Including nurses, respiratory therapists and physicians, the 20-person Army medical team arrived Thursday on the main campus for orientation.

September 9, 2021

MVP for September — Kacie Davis

Ben Boulden

Kacie Davis

The MVP for September is Kacie Davis, who in the course of his job demonstrates UAMS values in action. Kacie is a case coordinator in the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute’s Crisis Stabilization Unit.

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